
WORK IN PROGRESS This page is under development. It will serve as a on boarding place holder and tutorial on how to get themost from the website.

What is Crypto Words?

Crypto Words is a monthly Bitcoin journal. New journals are published monthly and older journals are published as we get to them. This project began in the spring of 2019, so there’s a decade worth of content that needs to be archived. This could take a while!

Distribution & Format

Our journals are first distributed to our email subscribers and later pushed to followers on Twitter and other social networks. Each publication is available for view as a webpage or pdf download. The journal in pdf format is very readable and all posts are uniform. We’re big fans of pdf format because you can easily download journals for safe keeping and sharing with friends.

Check out this PDF journal for reference: CY18 March Journal

Start with the Journals

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The posts and journals published here have been carefully curated and crafted as a true labor of love. If you’ve found any of this content useful here’s how to show your thanks and keep the project going.

The costs of the journal are met through donations, which are invited in any amount.

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Follow us on social media

We post regularly on Twitter and use it as our main form of communication. — We don’t rapid fire posts but add commentary where we see fit. Posts are typically links to our content here, trolling nocoiners, sarcastic remarks, and other things regarding development of this site.

If these sorts of things interest you, follow along on:


Subscribe to our newsletter

We publish our journal monthly and share it via Twitter and via newsletter. Consider subscribing to the newsletter. If you’re not on Twitter all day, it might make sense to subscribe so you never miss a publication.

Our pledge

We will never sell you out.

We will never shill you shitcoins.

We will only deliver what is promised.
